Friday, March 14, 2008

The Volleyball game.

Yesterday we attended my 15 y/o nephew's varsity volleyball game. It was a GREAT game! A very close game that played thru 5 sets, only for the visiting team to win :( In tow to the game were my brother, sister-in-law, 12 y/o & 17 y/o nephews and 6 y/o niece. As I mentioned, it was a very looooooong game, a lil over 2 hours long. It felt long to me, so I know it started to take a toll on my poor niece, Noe. She was restless and wanted to go play outside on the stairs. Luckily, I had my camera with me so I was able to help direct her restlessness into something productive. I’ve let her use my camera many times before to shoot photos and she loves it. I love sharing my love of photography with my nephews and niece. Yesterday I showed her how to take macro-lens/short depth of field photos-I thought I’d share some of her photos here, since I think they’re pretty great….but then again, I am a lil biased :)

Self Portrait:

I love this last one of my nephews. I love the angle in which it's shot because it's from her 4ft. view of the world...or in other words, her brothers. There's always a different feel in the photos I take and the photos she shoots of people. I've noticed that people are a lot more laid-back, lighthearted and approachable when she points a camera at them. Their smiles are more playful and their eyes are a little more relaxed. As mentioned before, I think she does a wonderful job behind the camera as well as in front of it.

[to explain some of the photos...I included the one of her Lilo doll, because shooting photos of my Barbies was what got me interested in photography. I think Novee's well on her way to bigger and better photo shoots :) The rest are just random photos she took while shooting short depth of field/macro. I asked her mom why she decided to take a photo of just her mouth and an orange peel, her response "because Novee liked it". At least she's random & original.]

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